‘Honoring Henry Morgenthau, Jr.’ or ‘World Treasury – Plundered Twice’

[Under Construction]

Henry Morgenthau Jr as Treasury Secretary to FDR.

Relationship of Henry Morgenthau Jr to Jacob Levinson in service of FDR.

CCC and responding during the depression to the deliberate devastation of Nazis to the World Economy.

Henry Morgenthau Jr’s Post-WWII Proposal at Bretton Woods — The World Bank and preventing German aggression.

Fired By Harry Truman who destroys Japan

The Truman Re-Made Bretton Woods version — restoring German capacity at US taxpayer expense.

Nazi Dorothy Ginsberg gives her perspective on Bretton Woods and FDR to Dean Levinson.

Dean Levinson re-invents the World Bank, the IMF and another ‘CCC,’ the CCC Corporation (Credit Card Clearinghouse Corporation)  in the 1960s based on his invention of electronic banking and the stream of income from merchant fees on credit cards.

Henry Morgenthau Jr raised billions with WWII War Bonds and millions to help start the nation of Israel. Jacob Levinson was responsible for the idea posed personally to Morgenthau to apply Morgenthau’s expertise and contacts to raise funds for the creation of a Jewish State in Israel.

Dean Levinson re-invents the (JNF) Jewish National Fund and Bonds for Israel as well as the $5 tree-planting program in discussion at the dining table.



1 thought on “‘Honoring Henry Morgenthau, Jr.’ or ‘World Treasury – Plundered Twice’

  1. There is direct bearing of the events of this post and the frauds of US German/Austrian organized crime laundering Jewish assets through the United States and these assets, US citizen taxpayer assets, and the assets of Dean Levinson within the United States and now out of the country to Nazis abroad. Hillary Clinton, Mary Schapiro and numerous Congressmen are knowledgeable and responsible participants.

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