‘Whitewater Development Corporation’ or ‘Nazi Perversions and Water Treatment Plants’

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Racketeering in Prostitution (and rape) as it Relates to Venereal Disease and Water Treatment. Dorothy Ginsberg, Einer Elhauge and connection to Hillary Clinton. CIA as bastion of German-Austrian perversion and disease.

Use of Reverse Osmosis – Dean Levinson’s invention — in water treatment plants. Hazardous concentrated effluent.

St. Johnsbury, VT and Whitewater, Arkansas as planned pervert communities for diseased individuals. Bill Clinton was NOT involved. Hillary Clinton’s billing at Rose Proskauer on the legal documents to exempt water treatment plants from regulation. The murder of Vince Foster.

Dorothy Ginsberg, child prostitute of Helen Stein Ginsberg, turned madam, CIA Nazi racketeer. The ‘Godmother.’ Einer Elhauge as her lawyer and CIA/Nazi capo. ‘Dorothy’s lair’ in St. Johnsbury. Atrocities in St. Johnsbury.

Dorothy Ginsberg’s former friendship with Hillary Clinton’s actual mother, a Nazi prostitute/spy of Nazi madam Helen Stein Ginsberg stationed at Ft. Bragg during WWII. Hillary Clinton’s hiding of her mother. And hiding of her father, Francis Biddle, turncoat AG Nazi sympathizer and party to the murder of FDR. Katie Hager Boothe as grand-daughter of the same woman by John Hager, murderer of FDR.

Perversions of Eleanor Roosevelt. Poisoning of her husband. Attempts to humiliate her husband. As party to the murder of her husband. Frauds against her husbands reputation for fidelity while disbaled from the waist down. Testimony by both Dorothy Ginsberg and Hillary Clinton’s mother.

So-called ‘feminist’ impact of Margaret Mead and Margaret Sanger on German women’s ‘liberation,’ Eleanor Roosevelt specifically and an ‘alternative social agenda’ from Dorothy Ginsberg. The fraud of Civil Rights leadership by Eleanor Roosevelt seeking sex with minorities: Japanese WWII internment and the ‘smiling geishas’ photo. Smiling photos at Howard University.

Malcom McComb, Francis Biddle, John Hager and executions of McComb’s staff for treason. Jacob Levinson as prosecutor for FDR of Nazi treason within the War Department. The murder of Jacob Levinson by Dorothy Ginsberg at the hands of Ray Villeneuve.

Malcom McComb, Hillary Clinton, Katie Hager Boothe (and Dorothy Ginsberg, Einer Elhauge, Ray Villeneuve) in Washington DC and recent attempts on the life of Dean Levinson. Past attempts by the same parties on the life of Dean Levinson..

Nazi Racketeers’ investments in utilities in the US and abroad. Water Treatment Plants. AK, CT, NY, MD, PA. Veolia. Dumping Grounds. Widespread dumping patterns. Specific dumping testimony.

The current US crisis with venereal disease, hazardous waste, illegal dumping, environmental damage and CIA/Nazi cover-up including personal targeting and acts of genocide. Testimony sitting with US Attorneys.

See :

Final Report of the Special Committee to Investigate WHITEWATER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION and RELATED MATTERS together with additional and minority views. — June 17.1996

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